Thursday, March 26, 2009

Teenage Stress

Stress in adolescence may have a negative impact on health in adulthood. Healthy teenagers reporting interpersonal conflicts had increased levels of C-reactive protein an inflammatory marker associated with later development of cardiovascular disease.

Teenage Stress

Consistent Contributors

Consistent contributors" help to increase efficiency by positively influencing less motivated members of their group.

Consistent Contributors

Salt Consumption Linked To Moods

Over-consumption of and craving for salt may be explained by its mood-enhancing qualities. Researchers found rats deficient in sodium chloride (common table salt) avoided activities they normally enjoy.

Salt Consumption Linked To Moods

Ageism - Stereotypes Can Become Reality

Older people who believe in negative assumptions about aging tend to fulfill them. This study found that young, healthy people with stereotypical attitudes to older people may be at risk of heart disease themselves in the future.

Ageism - Stereotypes Can Become Reality

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Genes and Breast Cancer

A set of 50 genes can reliably identify all four types of breast cancer, potentially enabling personalized therapy for individual patients.

Genes and Breast Cancer

Happy Hospitals

Radical change to traditional hospital management is a key factor, producing significant improvements in patient and employee satisfaction.

Happy Hospitals

Mediterranean Diet May Help Alzheimer's

Mediterranean diet appears to be associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's.

Mediterranean Diet May Help Alzheimer's

Gut Feelings Can Be Valid

Electrophysiological evidence that decisions thought to be based on guesswork or gut feelings may actually draw on valid memories that cannot be consciously accessed.

Gut Feelings Can Be Valid

Experiences More Satisfying Than Possessions

Research from San Francisco State University presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology has found that purchasing experiences rather than possessions results in increased well-being for consumers and others around them. The study concludes that this is because purchases of this type address higher order needs such as the need for social connectedness.

Experiences More Satisfying Than Possessions

Monday, March 09, 2009

Gardening - Seeds from Thompson & Morgan

Time to start sowing seeds, either in a greenhouse or propagator, or, in some cases, directly in the ground when conditions are warm enough. One of the greatest pleasures in gardening is growing your own plants from seed. Thompson & Morgan have one of the best selections of seeds available.